What Is Hospice?

Hospice care is the holistic and comprehensive care of a terminally ill patient and their close family. It is an act of loving-kindness and compassion by a family toward a loved one. Someone who is diagnosed with a terminal illness, injury or who has lived to a ripe old age and is transitioning due to advanced age are all people who might find that hospice care is the best option. We here are Physicians Preferred Hospice provide the highest-quality medical care in a compassionate way while providing both spiritual and emotional support. We provide best-in-class pain management and care in harmony with each individual patient’s wishes.
End-of-life transition can be highly transformative. It can be a spiritual time of final bonding and release. It is often a time when family needs to know that their loved one is being honored with the right to die in dignity and without pain. If they chose to spend their last days at home, we are there to make that happen. If they prefer to receive palliative care in our homey facility, we will care for your loved one wherever they prefer. We will also provide loving care to the patient’s family, as the patient, family and close friends enjoy an environment of love, support, safety and absolute care. Please call us at 800-520-7057 for more infromation